
The Church in Study

March 8, 2025

Website: https://ojai.adventistfaith.org




Church Office hours:  Tues.10:30 am-6 pm; Thur.10 am-5:30 pm; available on Sabbath from 3:30-5:30 pm


Join the Prayer group every Sabbath morning at 9:15 am in the Fireside Room.

Sabbath School

     “Rules of Engagement”        Lesson 10       Gayland Hagy


Today’s Speaker: Pastor David Gardner

Fellowship Luncheon

Afternoon: Reading:  Maranatha, devotional by E.G. White


Mar.  9  Daylight Savings Time Begins-Set your clocks FORWARD

Mar. 15 Speaker: Elder Dillon Valadez

Mar. 16 Church Board/ Business Meeting   10:00 am


Send Prayer Requests to: Carolyn– text, call or email,



Sunset: Tonight 5:58 pm                    Friday, Mar. 14, 7:03 pm

Offering next week: Church Budget


Please remember to continue giving your regular tithes  

& offerings.  Thank you!                                                     

Tithe & Offerings can be given at:


or send to: Patty McDaniel                     

        We will continue with VIRTUAL services on our website.



Ojai Valley Seventh-day Adventist

Church in Worship

Religious Liberty      Patty McDaniel


Song Service

                          All  Things Bright and Beautiful             #93

                                      My Jesus, I Love Thee                   #321                   

      Introit             Spirit of the Living God               #672

     Invocation                                          David Gardner

     Welcome, Call to Worship                        Janice Hagy

     *Opening Song                                             #334

Come, Thy Fount of Every Blessing

     Call for Offering                                   

 Adventist World Radio

Loose offering will go to Church Budget

     Joys and Concerns                              Gayland Hagy

     Pastoral Prayer                                   Gayland Hagy   

          Congregational Song                                 insert

The Family of God

     Scripture Reading                                     

III John 1: 4

      Sermon                                           David Gardner

“Our Children”

    *Closing Song                                                 #327

 I’d Rather Have Jesus

     *Benediction                                       David Gardner

       *Please stand

          All are invited to join the elders for prayer in front of the

               sanctuary, after the service.

                        Vision: Remaining Ready for Christ’s Return

                       Mission: Reaching Our World with the Gospel